CMYK: C 0.98 | M 0.25 | Y 0.00 | K 0.20
Panton: 801 C
RGB: R 5 | G 154 | B 204
Hex: #059ACC
CMYK: C 0.65 | M 0.00 | Y 0.21 | K0.27
Panton: 7723 C
RGB: R 66 | G 187 | B 147
Hex: #42BB93
CMYK: C 0.00 | M 0.03 | Y 0.85 | K0.27
Panton: Neutral Black C
RGB: R 39 | G 38 | B 38
Hex: #272626
The logo will be saved in different file formats and color variants for use in both web and print.
.eps | .svg | .png
The brand is comprised of two main colors; “green” and “blue” which together make up the brand’s gradient.
Wherever the logo appears, it must contain whitespace not less than one half (1/2) its total height. This includes both the logotype and mark.
This is the body text. It should always appear in the “black” color and the line height should not exceed 1.4em.
The Brand consists of one (1) font-family with
only one (1) weight.